Back to school and back to Sunday Club 

22.07.28 - Back to School
After six wonderful weeks off school, it's time to get back to normal routine. As school starts back so does our Sunday Club on Sunday 11 September.  

Sunday Club is Bishop Ridley Church's Sunday School. It's takes place during the 10:30am service. During each Sunday Club session the children hear bible stories, play games and complete other activities such as arts and crafts.

Sunday Club runs in two groups; ages 3 - 6 which is lead by Trudy Brennan and Pam White and ages 7 to 11 which is lead by Jean Jost. Trudy, Pam and Jean have a team of fantastic helpers who are on hand to support the children too. All leaders and helpers are DBS checked and have taken part in safeguarding training etc. 

During the autumn term, Sunday Club will take place during the 10:30am service on: 
25 September
9 October
16 October
6 November
20 November
27 November

Find out more about our children's activities

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